For this cocktail, the ingredients are pretty straightforward: Vodka, Kahlua and Heavy Cream/Half and Half/Milk of some sort. The Russian part comes from the Vodka. The White from the Cream. How does the Kahlua fit in? Well, let's go down the cocktail history rabbit hole.
The origins of this cocktail lay not in Mother Russia, or their Cold War rivals the United States. No folks, according to cocktail history, the White Russian was created in the country of Belgium to honor a diplomat. According to the post White Russian Recipe from
The drink was conceived in 1949 when Gustave Tops, a Belgian barman, created the cocktail, along with its sister cocktail, the black Russian– a White Russian without any cream - at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels in honor of Perle Mesta, then U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg.
Most obviously, Belgium is not Russia, so the drink doesn't take its name from its country of origin. It instead inherited Russia in the name because vodka is the main ingredient.
The magazine profile lists the following recipe for their Lite White Russian:
I've seen the recipe with equal parts vodka and Kahlua/coffee liqueur. Either way, the cocktail is delicious. Especially if you have ulcer and want to continue drinking without aggravating said ulcer. But I digress. Back to the magazine recipe.
The recipe lists three different vodka's that are recommended. Two are from Smirnoff. I'll bypass those. The third one is the one that caught my attention. Give it a look:
Black Cow is the world’s first Pure Milk Vodka. Made in West Dorset using the milk from grass-grazed cows. Using milk as our only source ingredient is what makes Black Cow so smooth.
At Black Cow we know milk is precious, so we don’t waste a drop. It starts with separating the milk into curds and whey.The curds make the cheese – including Black Cow Deluxe Cheddar – but, often, the whey ends up going to waste. We take that whey and, using a secret distilling process, turn it into the ‘world’s smoothest vodka’. So smooth you can drink it till the cows come home.
Has anyone had a taste of their vodka? What did you think of it? Let me know in the comments box. Oh, and before I forget. How can I do a post about a White Russian and not show the Dude making it at his home bar with the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon bowling in the background.
Here's to your health