Friday, July 4, 2014

A Chapter Closes

Well, after 12-years of employment at the Bleecker Street Bar, I am left without a job. The bar decided to go in a "Different Direction" so I am left somewhat adrift. To be honest this is for the best. As you all have noticed, I have not been posting much lately. I have been very "meh" and "blah" when it has come towards doing anything cocktail related. The excitement of crafting a cocktail was gone. The anticipation of tasting a creation was dulled by my not being happy.

To be honest, I haven't been happy at work for sometime. While I wasn't told the truth as to why I was being let go, I would say that my wearing my dissatisfaction on my sleeve along with what I would describe as a difference in opinion are the reasons why I am no longer a member of the Bleecker Street Bar staff. So with that a chapter in my life closes. Unlike the saying "All roads lead back to Bleecker", the roads in front of me lead to brand new destinations.

I'm taking two weeks off to get a little rest, relaxation and reflection in. God knows I need it. I will try to use this new opportunity to rediscover what I loved about making cocktail. The history behind the libations. The magic that makes the flavors blend together into the drinks that we like to consume.

As the gentlemen from the 1980's Bartles and Jaymes wine coolers Thank you very much for all your support, input, insights and suggestions that you have given me during the last three years in my bartending career and in my total of 12 years at the Bleecker Street Bar. You have no idea how important all that to me.

I'll keep you all posted of where the SiscoVanilla story continues.

Until Then Happy Drinking,

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