Friday, January 17, 2020

Prohibition Went Into Effect 100 Years Ago Today January 17, 1920

On This Day in History January 17, 1920: The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution AKA the Volstead Act (officially known as The National Prohibition Act Pub.L. 66–66 and more popularly known as  Prohibition) went into effect in the United States.

As they say the road to hell is lined paved with good intentions, it was no different with the "Noble Experiment." For all it's good intentions of eliminating drunkenness from American Society, the law made criminals of ordinary citizens via drinking clandestinely and engaging in illegal liquor production and sales. The law also emboldened the criminal side of the law in the form of gangsters and mobsters to fully organize with the massive opportunities for profit that Prohibition provided them.

The act would be in effect for 13-years until it was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution.

So thank the 21st Amendment for you're being able to legally raise toast this Friday evening.To quote the legendary Sean Connery in his oscar winning role as Malone in "The Untouchables": Here endeth the lesson.

Until Then Happy Drinking,


Vintage Michelob Ads January 17, 2020

I came across these vintage beer ads for Michelob Beer. They remind me of my dad. I would remember that he would drink Michelob when I was a kid. Enjoy!!

I'll keep my eyes peeled for classic beer ads throughout this new year of 2020.

Until Then Happy Drinking,
