Monday, September 3, 2012

The Juicy Pussy

Yes folks, I know the title of this post will raise some eyebrows. It did so with me but I swear, it is not due to anything that I came up with. Here is how this interestingly named cocktail came to be profiled.

I was working the bar on the Sunday before Labor Day and a woman who works at a local spa with some of our regulars came up to the bar and sheepishly asked if I can make her three shots of a Juicy Pussy. Obviously the request caused me to raise my eyebrow and chuckle at her. I was more than willing to look for it and make the shots for her. She quickly changed her mind and asked for three Pineapple Upside Down Cake Shots:
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
1oz of Stoli Vanilla
.5oz of Amaretto
Pineapple Juice

Shake all ingredients (except the Grenadine) vigorously. The Pineapple juice causes a frothiness in the drink. Pour the Grenadine down the inside of the glass causing a layering at the bottom.

They did the Pineapple Upside Down Cake shots and were happy with them. But see, you can't plant the seed within my mind and not expect to not have some mutated plant grow from my crazy head. I decided to look up the drink and make them little shots. Here is the recipe as per the listing for a Juicy Pussy:
Juicy Pussy
1 oz Bailey's Irish cream
1 oz peach schnapps
1 splash pineapple juice

Pour the Bailey's irish cream, peach schnapps and pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass over 1/4 cup of shaved ice. Garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

There's also a bomb shot variation of the Juicy Pussy from Here is that recipe:
Juicy Pussy
3/4 shot of Peach Schnapps
1/4 shot of Bailey's Irish Cream
1/2 glass of Orange Juice

This shot is the same idea as a Gladiator shot. You first take your shot glass and fill it 3/4 the way full with the Peach Schnapps. Secondly layer the Schnapps with the Bailey's Irish Cream. Fill up a glass about 1/2 way with the Orange Juice. Take the shot glass with the Schnapps and Bailey's and drop it into the glass of OJ. Now just slam it back and taste a nice Juicy Pussy.
I'm sure if I look around I can find more variations of what a Juicy Pussy is. For simplicity sake I just decided to make the first recipe as a shot rather than as a cocktail. I worried about something as I made it. I wasn't sure if the Bailey's would curdle with the inclusion of the Pineapple Juice. Would the person who is doing the shot have to do it quickly as one would do a Car Bomb to avoid the curdling effect. So I whipped up four little shots and sent it over to them. Here is what the shot looked like.

I was expecting bitter looks from them but to my surprise, all I saw was thumbs up and smiles. Apparently the shot is quite tasty. Excuse me for being skeptical and not wanting to try it. I decided to get the opinion of some known and trusted drinkers.

I whipped up three little shots for Chuck, Clarence and Maria and had them give it a whirl. As with me, they were all skeptical and were also pleasantly surprised with the shot. Clarence said that "It was light and summery" and Chuck of course said that it was indeed "juicy". Thanks for your insightful commentary Chuck. LOL. Maria seemed to like it as well. So maybe the shot/cocktail does work. I think I'll wait for the proper moment in order to make one for myself. When I do, I'll let you gals and guys know what I think of it.

Until Then Happy Drinking,
Sisco Vanilla


  1. The post's title certainly got my attention. Did they curdle or not? I can't imagine how they wouldn't. These trays of sweet shots sure are popular. Maybe I should give them a try one of these days?

    1. You can imagine the eyebrow raise I gave the lady when she asked for them. I also thought that they would curdle with the pineapple juice and the Bailey's but for the time I let it sit it didn't. As I posted, I gave a round to a few hardcore drinkers I know and they were pleasantly surprised. Go for it.
