Friday, December 28, 2018

Westworld (1973)

Its been a while since I've done one of these SiscoVanilla at the Movies posts. I wanted to do a quick one on one of my favorite bar sequences in a movie. In this version of Westworld (which inspired the HBO series of the same name) written and directed by Michael Crichton, for $1000 a day, vacationers can go to the amusement park known as Delos where they can spend time at one of three themed parks of Romanworld, Medievalworld and Westworld.

The scene has friends John (James Brolin) and Peter (Richard Benjamin) rolling up to the bar in Westworld. Westworld is based on the American west of 1880 where lawlessness rules and anything goes. Now if any of you have watched a Western, you know that the spirit of choice is good old fashioned Whiskey. John, who has been to Westworld before knows what to order:

Peter, who is having troubles getting into character, orders himself the following drink:

Yeah, not very American west of him but pretty damn funny. After whiskey is served to both cowboys, what follows next is what us bartenders like to say "it was a little strong but good:"

I really found the interaction to be funny since I've seen it happen many times while behind the bar. Especially with the face that Peter gives after doing the shot of whiskey.

The other parks really dont have anything to report past the guests possibly drinking wine at Romanworld or Mead at Medievalworld. 

Well that's it for now. I hope you get a chance to watch the original Westworld before catching any of the HBO series. 

Until Then Keep Drinking, 

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