Sunday, August 4, 2019

Dom Pierre Pérignon Discovers Champagne August 4, 2019

August 4, 1693 is believed to be the date that French Benedictine monk Dom Pierre Pérignon (December 1639 - September 14, 1715) discovered/invented what today we call Champagne. As with many things in culinary history, it is hard to nail down who actually created what. So there is some debate as to whether Dom Pierre Pérignon did indeed invent champagne since sparkling wine was already available.The truth might never be known due to being lost to time. If you do what to know more on the evolution of Champagne, I recommend you read the article Origins of Sparkling Wines from the Grandes Marques & Maisons de Champagne website.

Here is a rendering of Dom Pierre Pérignon would have looked like at the "A-Ha" moment of discovering/inventing champagne courtesy of Le Petit Journal.

Today the Dom Pérignon line of champagne is a luxury product often referred to in movies and television as THE luxury champagne, though I think Bollinger and Taittinger (to name a few) would make their own claim to be the top luxury champagne brand. And if you are a real baller, check out this list of luxury champages from the article These 10 Ultra-Luxury Champagnes Are Worth the Really Big Bucks by Elin McCoy from dated December 2, 2016.

So in closing, I'm leaving you all with a few of classic Dom Pérignon ads:

 A number of images of celebrities enjoying the Dom Pérignon bubbly from a number of Dom Pérignon's ad campaigns:

And as per the legend of that "A-Ha" moment when Dom Pierre Pérignon discovered/invented Champagne, it is said that the good monk uttered to his fellow monks after tasting the bubbly wine: "Come quickly, I am tasting the stars!" Keep on tasting those stars people. Salud.

 Until Then Keep Drinking,

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