Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Ferrari at Finns Corner August 15, 2019

I really love my regulars. They're my bread and butter. For all you bartenders out there who might be reading this, if you don't like your regulars or think less of them when they are the only customers that you have at your bar,  then you need to get out of the business. As my buddy Ace says: "Regulars pay the rent." They really do and I want to thank all of my regulars from the bottom of my heart. Back to the drink at hand.

My regulars are made up of different people from different places and walks of life that come together at Finns Corner (660 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn NY.) They come to watch sports, have intellectual engagement such as the New York Times crossword, book reviews and spirited conversation. Simply put they come to my bar, put bread in my jar while having a great time. I also have regulars who work in the business and like to share with me their favorite concoctions.

Now for those of you who have followed my adventures throughout the years (or misadventures based on your POV šŸ˜,)  you know how much I love experimenting while behind the bar. Here is one such experiment that comes from my friend Liam.
Liam, who bartended at a number of places in Red Hook. came in to Finn's Corner on Tuesday night and he likes to order a shot that he calls a Ferrari. As you can see from the picture, a Ferrari is equal parts Campari and Fernet. Campari and Fernet on their own can be interesting on the palate. Campari is quite bitter while Fernet can come across as being very herbaceous. But both together in equal parts??? How does that taste??? I'll quote Karly who joined Liam in the shot: "It tastes like a shot of Vicks VapoRub." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ To quote my friend Chuck: "I'm done son. I'm done." 

You down to try it? Belly up to the bar at Finn's Corner. I'll pour one for ya.

Next post will focus on the Blue Point Brewery of Patchogue, Long Island. Keep your eyes peeled for it

Until Then Happy Drinking

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